Common of Toscolano Maderno
Residents:8 159
Altitude:86 m s.l.m.
Area:56,73 km²
Both towns cover a wide area and over time have largely merged together remaining separated only by the river. Toscolano is famous for its paper factories, printing works and old paper mills. Even Martin Luther was translating from a Bible printed in Toscolano.
Maderno lies in a semicircular bay, dotted with beautiful villas and parks along a pretty, narrow lakeside promenade. Due to its geographic location, Toscolano – Maderno is the mid-point on the western side of the Lake. The car ferry leaves from here to get to the eastern shore.
Toscolano Maderno : Things to see
Besides the two towns of Toscolano and Maderno, which sit on the alluvial fan of the Toscolano River, the community is made up of several picturesque villages: Maclino, Vigole, Sanico, Gaino, Cecina, Roina, Cabiana, Folino and Bezzuglio. The territory is dominated by peaks of Mount Pizzocolo (1582 m) and Mount Castell di Gaino (866 m): both afford breathtaking views. The particularly mild climate, even in winter, makes this a marvelous vacation spot. Along the shore there are many camping sites and hotels to suit any need, and delicious local dishes are served in the characteristic restaurants and bars. Due to the extensive network of roads and trails, walks or excursions on horseback or with a mountain bike are possible in the vast hinterland.
Toscolano Maderno : Parish Church of S. Pietro e S.Paolo
The church, situated in Toscolano, dates back to 1584. Its austere facade has just a few classic baroque details. It has several noteworthy wood sculptures, including a bishop’s throne from the 17th century and large paintings by Andrea Celesti (1637-1712), which are being restored. On the walls are two memorial plaques dedicated to Lucius Septimus (7th century) and Marcus Aurelius Claudius.
Toscolano Maderno : The Sanctuary of the Madonna of Benaco
Built in the 11th century presumably upon the ruins of an ancient temple dedicated to Jupiter, the sanctuary is considered one of the oldest places of Christian worship in the Garda area. For years it was the burial site of distinguished town citizens, usually people who worked in the paper industry.
Toscolano Maderno : S. Giovanni Church (formerly S. Andrea)
The Romanesque style church with a plain facade and beautiful sculpted portal dates back to the 12th century. Inside there are some interesting shrines and stone sculptures from the Lombard period and a crypt with Roman tombstones.

Toscolano Maderno : S. Andrea Parish Church
Located at the center of the Gulf of Maderno, the church dates back to the 18th century. It contains valuable paintings by Paolo Veronese and Andrea Celesti.
Toscolano Maderno : The Madonna of Benaco Church
Sitting on a hill overlooking the lake, the church was built in 1717 at the considerable expense of the Delay family. It venerates the Madonna of Cussaga.
Vigili del fuoco:
Emergenza sanitaria:
Ufficio turistico:
Guardia medica:
0365-540729 (Maderno)
0365-641009 (Toscolano)
Station Desenzano: 30 km
Airport Verona: 65 km
Milano: 130 km
Hoghway A4 Desenzano: 30 km