
Manerba del Garda km 66

Common of Manerba del Garda

Residents: 3761
Altitude: 162 m
Province: Brescia
CP: 25080

Manerba consists of several villages which join one another idyllically surrounded by olive groves and vineyards. The shoreline is very picturesque. It is dominated by the cliff Rocca di Manerba, which falls steeply into the water and has become this region’s landmark. On a clear day you can see Punto San Vigilio on the opposite shore. The island San Biagio lies off Manerba. It is covered with cypresses and offers pretty spots for bathing, and can be reached on foot, by wading through the shallow water.

Manerba : Things to see

Extending on a promontory around the Rock (215 m), it dominates the lake and the Valtenesi area, reaching S. Sivino Point to the south, the morainic foothills to the west and Romantica Beach to the north beyond Avigo River and Belvedere Point. There are five towns in the district: Pieve, Babiana, Montinelle, Gardoncino and Solarolo, which is the seat of the Town Hall and the Pro Loco local tourist board (via Garibaldi 19 – Phone: 0365/551121). S. Biagio Island (also known as the Rabbits’ Isle) is also a part of the district. Besides farming, which mainly consists of olive groves and vineyards, tourism and trade are the main economic resources. There are numerous hotels and camping sites in the area. Many restaurants serve local dishes and use the marvelous ingredients from the area such as fish, olive oil, truffles and wine.

Manerba : S. Maria Parish Church

Located in a rather secluded area near the lake, at the center of its vast territory in which many of its auxiliary churches are situated, the church was built in the 7th – 8th century on top of a pagan temple and an older building from the 5th – 6th century. Beside it are ancient remains, possibly from a Roman villa. Rebuilt in the 9th century, the church has 3 aisles divided by three rectangular pillars supporting round-headed arches. The parish church is the most important medieval monument in the area also in view of the decorations and artwork inside. Stupendous frescoes include the 12th century “The Martyrdom of S. Ursula and Companions”, which is considered an extremely rare example of Romanesque art, the 14th century “Annunciation”, and the “Madonna Enthroned” between Saints Sivino and Rocco.

Manerba : S. Sivino Church

Located on the S. Sivino promontory, a rocky spur near the shore of the lake, the church has a single nave and a rustic facade. The interior is divided into bays by round-headed arches that support the exposed beams of the roof. Imbedded in the external wall facing south is the stone of the Devil’s Pact, which is linked to a curious legend. A miller arrived in Manerba around 1200. Work was steady and business was booming because he was also grinding grain for half the population of Moniga. One day, the water powering the mill suddenly stopped without warning. After his prayers to San Sivino went unanswered, the miller decided to ask the devil for help. Satan, who appeared to the miller first as a monk and later as a noble knight, promised to help in exchange for the miller’s soul at his death. Thus, the miller sold his soul in exchange for success and prosperity. The contract was signed: the miller pressed his hand against a stone, and the devil left his footprint. The water returned and business picked up. Things went so well that the miller decided to add another grist mill. As he grew older, however, the miller started to fear for his soul. He confessed to a priest and, after promising to leave his mill and money to the Church, was absolved. This so enraged the devil that he devastated the miller’s house. Realizing he had been tricked, the devil left, but not before he turned all the miller’s money into straw. Thus, a Cross was engraved on the stone of the Devil’s Pact and can still be seen today, along with the imprint of the miller’s hand and of the devil’s foot.

The Valtenesi Archeological Museum

This civic museum, located at Piazza Simonati in Montinelle, contains a collection of archeological finds unearthed during excavations on the Rock between 1971 and 1976, at the S. Maria Parish Church between 1977 and 1980, and at Riparo Valtenesi, below “Sasso”, between 1976 and 1983. There is an interesting reconstruction of a Neolithic funeral bier and a collection of objects found in the tomb such as arrow heads, copper needles, decorated ceramics and a steatite, copper and shell necklace. Also noteworthy are 140 bronze brooches of various types, inscriptions, and fragments of mosaics and decorated stucco.



  • Brescia G. D’Annunzio – Montichiari T. 030 9656599
  • Verona V. Catullo – Villafranca T. 045 8095666

Autostrada Brescia-Verona

  • Casello di Desenzano T. 030 9120040
  • Viabilità T. 167012812


  • Carabinieri T. 0365 551010
  • Polizia T.113
  • Pronto intervento T. 112
  • Vigili del Fuoco T. 115
  • Vigili Urbani T. 0365 552025
  • Volontari del Garda T. 0365 43633 – 0365 520953

Distretto Sanitario

  • comunale T. 0365 551629
  • Brescia T. 030 39951
  • Desenzano T. 030 91451
  • Montichiari T. 0365 40361
  • Poliambulanza T. 030 35151


  • Biblioteca – Viale Risorgimento, 3 T. 0365 552548
  • Farmacia T. 0365 551044
  • Guardia Medica Turistica T. 0365 551629
  • Imbarcadero Porto Dusano T. 0365 552311
  • Municipio T. 0365 659801
  • Parrocchia T. 0365 551026
  • Società traghetti T. 030 9141321


  • Scuola elementare T. 0365 551055
  • Scuola materna T. 0365 551288
  • Scuola media T. 0365 551134


  • Poste e Telefrafi T. 0365 551033
  • Proloco T. 0365 551121
  • Stazione ferroviaria Desenzano T. 030 9141247
  • Trenitalia Info e Prenotazioni T. 892021
  • Valtenesi Soccorso T. 030 9907993