
Botanical Garden Mount Baldo

Locality Novezzina
37020 Ferrara di Monte Baldo (VR)
Tel.: +39-045-6247288

It is referred to as the “Botanicaln Garden of Europe” and for good reason: the slopes of Monte Baldo rise from the warm shores of Lake Garda and have exceptionally rich and varied flora ranging from the typical Mediterranean vegetation of vieyards, olive groves and oleanders to edelweiss at higher altitudes. From spring to autumn there are vast expanses of violets, primroses, daffodils, anemones, and orchids, as far as the eye can see.

The Botanical Garden is located in the locality of Novezzina at an altitude above 1200 m. This garden shows the astonishing diversity of the vegetation of Monte Baldo. This garden is different from traditional alpine botanical gardens because it only has autochthonous species: over 700 species are already planted, but this number is continuously rising. Here you will find Anemone del Baldo, Aquilegia, Asphodels, Snowdrop, Bellflower, Daphne, Yellow Gentians, Tiger Lilies, Turk’s Cap Lilies, Narcissi, Bear’s-ear, Peonies, Pasqueflowers, Rhododendrons, Christmas Rose, edelweiss… these are only some of the rare flowers that especially in the springtime make it a blaze of colors and fragrances. There are about 20 floral species that are typical or exclusive to Monte Baldo, and therefore they are named “baldensis”, because it was here where they were recognized for the first time; this is further proof of the naturalistic importance of this area.

How to get around: on foot or by mountain bike

A must: if you feel like a novice Indiana Jones, do not miss a visit to the Grotta del Tasso where expert speleologists will accompany you into a karst valley.

Information: open every day from 1 May to 30 September from 9 AM to 6 PM. Tel. +39 045 6247288 / +39 345 6990389